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This Week's Specials

Planet Weather for the Week of June 19, 2011

Planet Weather for Weeks 6/19 and 6/26/11.

Planet Weather has been published for 14 years (in June!)  If you value its content and the information you've received, please consider donating. It’s easy to donate - click the DONATE button on my website  or send a check to 309 School St. Watertown, MA 02472. Thank you so very much, it will help me continue to publish and keep you astrologically well-informed about planetary patterns as they relate to current events! Many thanks for all who have already donated - it lets me know the work is appreciated.  ~Cosmically Yours, Dorothy

NewsBits: Weiner Roast! Neptune sitting strong (although retrograde now since 6/3/11) is dishing out a host of scandals and secrets. Tops in the news is the salacious story of the up and coming congressman (now up and resigned), Anthony Weiner, with the drop-dead gorgeous wife of nine months, who is pregnant, (and who is employed as a close aide to Hilary Clinton), who got his kicks on the side sexting photos of himself along with text-sex with a bevy of women across the country. Now there’s a concept, a virtual harem and mind-f language. (oops have to bleep myself and not use a word I shouldn’t). What is always so curious is that these guys somehow think no one will ever find out. Gee, we all know how hungry Americana is for trash of this sort. (The French may be laughing but they’ve got an even bigger sex-scandal on their hands – LOL!)

Let’s look at the chart of the poor guy with the unfortunate name, who is actually living up to his name! Anthony Weiner was born a Virgo Sun on 9/4/64, in Brooklyn, NY, time unknown. What is immediately apparent is that the aforementioned current Neptune position of 0 Pisces is sitting smack dab on Weiner’s Saturn/Pisces @ 0degrees. The poor guy obviously does not have a decent astrologer. This is a classic pattern of locked doors (Saturn=control/structure) opening and secrets spilling out (Neptune=dissolving boundaries/structures). A part of us has to feel sorry for his stupidity but then lust overcomes even the strongest boundaries. It’s the same old story couched in modern guise. Weiner has a potent Mars/Venus conjunction in Cancer, which typically indicates a strong urge to engage in relationship, and a great love for women in general. These are not bad things in themselves of course, but it always comes down to how we use the energies we’ve been given or how we play our hand. Weiner’s Moon is in Leo (showmanship, ego, and pride) and likely square to Jupiter/Taurus, a love of pleasure and a propensity in that aspect to push the envelope, with a tendency toward stubborn addictiveness to attention and pleasure-seeking. Again, not necessarily a bad thing but geez, if you’re in the public eye and you know how the media love to dig up dirt about you, why take such a risk? Weiner has a four planet grouping in Virgo – Mercury Rx, Uranus, Sun, and Pluto. He’s a smart man with ambition and we could say was even a rising star in Congress but it’s that wiener of his that took over. Pity - yet knowing the short attentions span of the public, Weiner may yet have a comeback somewhere down the road and be able to stand tall again!

China’s Muscles! In another context, Neptune is also pulling away the veils of secrecy and less than honest rhetoric concerning a few of China’s expansion plans. Apparently China bought an aircraft carrier that was little more than a hull from Russia in 2005, and said it had no plans to turn it into a military ship, but rather a floating casino! Now, just this month, China revealed that the ship is its first ever aircraft carrier and is ready to set sail. Also revealed is China’s plan to build a naval base on the Arabian Sea at Pakistan’s request. The Chinese built a port at Gwadar in 2007 for commercial reasons. This port overlooks Gulf shipping lanes and is close to the border of Iran. China has insisted that it was only meant to be a commercial port but the Pakistani Defense Minister spilled the beans this week and told the truth of China’s future plans.

Let’s take a peek at China’s horoscope. There are many charts for China but I will use the one for when the new government of the People’s Republic of China was functioning and took office amidst great fanfare. That date is 10/1/49 @ 3:15PM, Peking, China. What is most obvious at this time that Pluto, signifying power, made its last station @ 7deg. exactly square China’s Sun @ 7 Libra and urging a push for increasing power. Pluto has already in the past several years been opposing China’s Uranus @ 4 Cancer. And currently Uranus/Aries made its last station retrograde @ 4 exactly squaring China’s Uranus. So…this massive country is flexing its energy in various ways. It has wealth of all sorts and a huge population and with Mars conjunct Pluto/Leo, it has a huge ego and a large appetite, along with its Venus/Scorpio. Time will tell if this country will succeed in its obvious goal of becoming a superpower. It has strength and wealth but what about its human rights violations?

SkyWatch for the weeks of 6/19/11-6/26/11


Moon phase for the week of 6/19: 6/23 - The Moon enters her Last (aka Third) Quarter at 7:48 AM EDT, at 1 degree of Aries. Skywatching events for the week: Nothing spectacular. 6/21 - The Sun enters the sign of Cancer, marking the official start of summer. Saturn is the sole planet visible after sunset, high in the sky. Jupiter, Mars, and Venus are all "morning stars," rising in that order from early morning to just before sunrise. (Mercury is too close to the Sun to be visible.)


Moon phase for the week of 6/26: 7/1 -- The Moon enters Her New cycle at 4:54 AM EDT, at 9 degrees of Cancer, the sign of Her rulership. This New Moon also very partially eclipses the Sun along a narrow path just North of the side of Antarctica across from the southern tip of Africa. (This one is not a big whoop.) Skywatching events of the week: This week also sees a trifecta of close Moon-planet passes. 6/26 -- The waning Crescent Moon makes a close pass by Jupiter about an hour after midnight as seen from the US East Coast. Look for the two to rise together shortly afterwards, with Jupiter leading the Moon into the eastern sky. 6/28 -- The waning Crescent Moon makes a close pass by Mars. Their point of closest approach occurs in the early afternoon when Mars won't be visible but they will rise fairly close together both the morning before and the morning after.  When the Moon makes two astrological conjunctions in a row like this, She is said to "carry light" from one planet to the other, in this case from Jupiter to Mars, the equivalent of a conjunction between these two planets. 6/30 -- The third event in this celestial trifecta is a close pass of the Moon by Venus although both will be too close to the Sun to visible.


Space News and Weather: Bio Station Alpha on Mars! Last week, an amateur Mars explorer posted a video on YouTube of a "discovery" he supposedly made using Google Mars. Google Mars allows users to zoom in on virtually any region of Mars provided it has been photographed from orbit (as nearly all of the planet has). Voila! There is what appears to be a metallic cylindrical structure of some kind, roughly 300 by 700 feet, just sitting in the middle of the Martian desert. Definitely not ours! The discoverer made a video of his zoom-in, which he posted on YouTube, and it soon went "viral" as they say, tallying well over a million views. "Bio Station Alpha" is his name for it whatever it is but he may have been jumping to conclusions. NASA scientists were, of course, quick to explain away this apparent alien structure, claiming it was the result of a cosmic ray striking the photograph. Who knows? At a certain resolution, it certainly LOOKS like a cylindrical structure of some kind, and even if/when a real alien artifact is photographed on another world, no doubt NASA scientists will quickly hasten to explain IT away as well....Go out! Look up!

Knowing when VOC Moons occur is key to planning your successful week!

The Void-of-course (VOC) Moon is a kind of limbo. As it reaches the end of a sign, the Moon makes no major aspect to another planet before it enters the next sign. VOC is best for less outcome-oriented activity, since VOC often means detours, distractions, drifting, or delays. If you want specific outcomes, or if timeliness is critical, don’t use a VOC Moon time. VOC is best for processing, imagining, creating, and open-ended activities, like parties, research, or cleaning your desk/closet for instance! It is said that when a new action is initiated during VOC, “nothing will come of it,” or energies go in unplanned directions, which may not necessarily be negative.


Week of 6/19/11 – Monday (Mars enters Gemini), Tuesday (Summer Solstice), Wednesday (all-day VOC Moon) and Thursday are the most active days energetically – more Moon or planetary aspects for engagement with others, projects, and stimulation for producing results, or demands/challenges on your energy. On 6/20/11, the Moon is VOC/Aquarius from 4:23PM to 4:45PM EDT – On 6/21/11, the Moon is VOC/Pisces from 10:51PM to 4:24PM EDT on 6/23/11 (two days later!! – very unusual) – On 6/24/11, Moon is VOC/Aries from 6:07PM to 4:53PM EDT (next day!)

Week of 6/26/11 – Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (Solar Eclipse) and Saturday (Mercury enters Leo) are the most active days energetically – more Moon or planetary aspects for engagement with other or projects, and stimulation for producing results, or demands/challenges on your energy. On 6/27/11, the Moon is VOC/Taurus from 12:24PM to 3:56AM EDT (next day!) – On 6/30/11, the Moon is VOC/Gemini from 3:33AM to 12:13PM EDT – On 7/1/11, the Moon is VOC/Cancer from 7:37AM to 5:43PM EDT (next day!)

Summary: Compared to the last two weeks, there’s not much planetary activity except for the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, which is the Sun entering one of the four cardinal, or power points in the Zodiacal year, Mars changing signs and a Solar Eclipse, which is important. See below.

Quote of Note: “Do not the most moving moments of our lives find us without words?” – Marcel Marceau

Planet Patterns and Cosmic Headlines:

Mars enters mutable, airy Gemini, on 6/20/11, until 8/3/11. Mars now leaves productive but pleasure-oriented Taurus and takes the mantle of the lighter air-sign Gemini. This is sword play and touché, as in fencing. Mars wields words as sharply as a sword. There is precision in its communication and it does want to communicate. Yet often with this position there is rashness with speech and a lack of sensitivity for the effects of words on others. Venus is also still in Gemini, so the sexes are likely to participate in lots of flirting and verbal banter. It remains to be seen if this is all talk and no real action! Mars immediately makes a square to Neptune (now retrograde) which has been sitting at 0 Pisces since 4/4/11. This on a day when the Moon is VOC all day and the Sun is making an angle to Neptune as well. All of these aspects indicate a porosity, a flow, and a day of perhaps dreamtime and listening for signs and signals coming from other than logical channels. You may begin an action one way and change your mind and go in another direction. There’s an intuitive process at work and a chance to trust your inner guidance. Neptune is skilled at ferreting out secrets as its boundaries are loose, so we may hear of more scandals, or further unsavory details that were meant to be kept hidden.

The Sun enters cardinal, water Cancer on 6/21/11 heralding the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere! This is always a significant event, since 0deg. of the cardinal signs (Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and Aries) are doorways and initiation into action. Cancer is the time of year when we are more preoccupied with home and family and the basic comforting rhythms of our lives, the ebb and flow and sense of continuity that habit, consistency, and tradition bestow. Two of the three outer planets are located in cardinal signs, as is Saturn these days, and so the Sun in a cardinal sign will have powerful meetings with first Uranus in Aries on 6/26/11, then Pluto in Capricorn on 6/28/11, and finally with Saturn in Libra on 7/1/11. Watch how you feel on those days and watch the news, as often the intensity of these planetary patters is reflected in world events (as I’m sure you are aware of by now)!

Solar Eclipse New Moon @ 9 Cancer on 7/1/11. This eclipse is the last of three for this time of year and this series. We’ll have two more eclipses in November and December. The current eclipse belongs to the Saros Series 13 New South. The energy of this eclipse is expansion but with an undertow of frustration and possibly separation, according to descriptions in The Eagle and the Lark by Bernadette Brady. Anyone with planets in early cardinal signs will feel the effect of this eclipse most strongly, and the eclipse is re-triggered by a square from the Sun three months later and sometimes other planets before that time. In fact, Mars/Cancer will trigger the eclipse degree on 8/16/11. Ask your astrologer how relevant this eclipse will be for you.

**Mercury enters fixed, fire Leo on 7/2/11 to 7/28/11, when we will be moving into another Mercury Retrograde. In fact Mercury’s shadow begins on 7/14/11, when Mercury reaches the degree at which it will turn direct again in August. In Leo, Mercury is proud and dignified and sometimes too possessed by its own ego. Communication is more opinionated, bold and creative, although there is also a stubborn unyielding quality. Having fun and room for creative adventuring is important during this time.

Currently Active Paradigm-Shift Patterns -- Back Stories: Repeats and elaboration of the major configurations affecting all of us currently.

Jupiter entered fixed, earth Taurus on 6/4/11 until 6/12/12. Jupiter stays in Taurus without moving back into the previous sign, even when it turns retrograde (it remains in Taurus), which only happens about every three years. Most of the time when Jupiter turns retrograde in any sign, it moves back into the sign before and then its retrograde cycle moves between the two signs. We might speculate that this can grant us greater relaxation and stability from the fast and furious and sudden changes that we’ve all witnessed since the beginning of this year, at least, while Jupiter was in fiery Aries. Stable and practical with a certain amount of sweetness, abundance, or favor is the message of this giving Jupiter in a Venus-ruled sign.

Neptune in mutable, water Pisces turned Retrograde @ 0degrees on 6/3/11. Almost two months after Neptune first entered Pisces, it makes its station retrograde and leaves Pisces on 8/4/11 to complete its cycle in the previous sign, Aquarius. Neptune returns to Pisces on 2/4/12 for the extent of its stay – until 3/31/25. So, we’ve had a taste of Neptune’s dissolving energies and the power of the water! Anyone with planets near 0deg. of any sign has been especially imprinted with Neptunian themes such as paranormal experiences, illumination about some life themes or experiences, and secrets leaking out, or even some funky illness. Neptune energies can also manifest as melancholy as we review dreams that may not have materialized, make necessary adjustments, all the while maintaining our faith in life, spirit and the meaning of it all.

Neptune entered mutable, water Pisces for the first time in 164 years on 4/4/11. Neptune turns Retrograde on @ 0deg. on 6/3/11 – Neptune returns to Aquarius on 8/4/11. Neptune re-enters Pisces for the duration of its 14 year cycle on 2/4/12. This planet’s sign change is the biggest news in April and has consequences for the next 14 years. Now we have the third outer planet making a sign change since January 2008, setting in motion a series of conditions and events that have global long-term effects. There is much to say about this momentous passage and we only get a taste this year, since Neptune will retrograde back to Aquarius from 8/4/11, through 2/4/12. Neptune is entering the modern rulership of its own sign Pisces and expresses itself quite naturally here according to its intrinsic nature. We can expect the need for greater sensitivity and environmental protections, as the harm we have done to the planet becomes more obvious. [And Gaia thinks seriously about giving us an eviction notice.] We may witness the formation of new religious groups and a reformation of existing religion as we know it. Secrets may be exposed and more leaks of information that some people may not wish to be revealed. On the positive side, new artistic accomplishments will flower in all fields, especially music, but all across the artistic spectrum. In essence it is a cultural call for greater refinement and attunement to what we often take for granted or fail to notice. 


Neptune was discovered in 1846, and entered Pisces on 4/26/1847 through 1861. Oddly enough, Uranus was also in Aries (although farther along in the sign) when Neptune entered Pisces for the first time (since its discovery). This is only the second time, after Neptune came into our consciousness awareness, that Neptune is transiting Pisces! Both Neptune and Pisces are tricky. They operate on a completely different level. Pisces is known for its hyper-sensitivity, compassion, diffusiveness, spirituality, dream-like imagination, second-sight, idealism, patronage of the arts, and the ability to dissolve barriers of all kinds for greater unity. Negative manifestation includes: dissipation, neglect, addictions, deception, drugs, theft, scandals, and secrets. Neptune leaves Pisces on 3/31, 2025. A few highlights of Neptune’s last transit through Pisces include: new social movements, such as Marxism, emancipation of slaves, the start of the US Civil War, the California Gold Rush, the Romantic movement in music, and transcendentalism. You can be sure we’ll be discussing Neptune’s amazing journey through Pisces in future issues of PW.


It’s not even a month since Neptune entered Pisces, which we have not experienced for 166 years! As we begin to integrate with this complex novel energy infusion, you may notice a greater sensitivity or subtlety. Neptune dissolves barriers and that is one of the reasons a positive Neptunian response often allows greater compassion for human error and human frailty. Neptune deals with the unseen and the unnoticed and often accounts for spiritual breakthroughs and even paranormal experiences. I believe that this transit of Neptune through Pisces will loosen the boundaries between the material realm and the spiritual or energetic realms. Many of us will experience more than can be easily explained through the measurable functions of science. This can be a time of high magic but also the stripping away of illusions and deceptions and unless one has a strong inner core, the disillusionment we find may destabilize us. Practice faith in the joy of being alive and the true mysticism of that fact alone, no matter what your religious beliefs may be. Neptune is magical and a component of magic is addiction, as we seek to recreate the transcendence of blissful states that allow us to escape the harsher realities of everyday life.

Uranus re-entered Aries on 3/11/11, and remains there until May 2018. This is the biggest news of March and beyond, and heralds a new upward spiral in social and cultural evolution. Last summer, Uranus teased us by parking itself and remaining only at 0deg. Aries (the powerful degree of the Spring Equinox) from 5/27-8/13/10. Now it really means business – it has engaged into its full cycle. Any planet in the first sign of the Zodiac wants to start a fire, begin something new, innovate, and create or reinvent something in its own image. This combination can certainly be aggressive, bold, courageous, willful, and because of the influence of Uranus, unexpected and explosive. Most of the previous text was written well before the popular uprisings (conflagrations) in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and other parts of the Middle East.  We are seeing the effects of individuals asserting themselves in their striving for personal freedoms that they believe are their birthright. Repressive regimes will no longer be tolerated. Aries represents the new and renewal – as it emerges from the dreams of the previous sign, Pisces. It burns with the fire of justice and courage to be free at any cost.


Saturn in cardinal, air Libra turned Stationary Retrograde (Rx) @ 17deg. on 1/26/11. Saturn remains Rx until 6/13/11. We’ve had our share of challenges, burdens and tasks, now haven’t we? When a planet makes a station, it is demanding that we recognize its energy and pay particular attention to the message it is transmitting in our lives. In general, Saturn in Libra addresses the questions of balance, fairness, relationships, negotiations, and compromise. With Saturn there is always some kind of evaluation, some testing of standards met or not, and have we achieved what we set out to do in the various areas of our life? If we feel we are out of balance, then we will want to rebalance, or renegotiate the contracts we’ve made. Saturn will be backtracking now, to refine those imbalances and to test the rebalancing that you’ve begun. What is it exactly that makes for harmony and contentment in your life? All Libras, Aries, Cancers and Capricorns are feeling this testing more – and this current retrograde segment affects those born between early to mid-April, July, October, and January. Ask your astrologer where and how this Station degree affects your chart.


Saturn entered cardinal, air Libra on 10/29/09. The full cycle lasts until 10/6/12. Saturn retrograded back into the last three degrees of the previous sign, Virgo, from 4/8/10-7/22/10. What can we expect? Let’s speak to the greater implications of this 2.5-year Saturn-sign cycle. Saturn is exalted in Libra. This so-called “essential dignity” means there’s more of a commitment to promote cooperation and harmony among equals. Or, we can say, that is the primary striving in this combination. The collective will be more focused on what is fair and equitable and what is not. Generally, the message is to find the imbalances and rebalance as needed. Where are you giving your commitment and attention? Are the returns you receive what you really want? If not, then adjust those commitments and relationships for greater equality and fairness. Saturn in Libra also asks – what matters and what is valuable? When there is real value, it is easier to make a commitment for a longer time and with greater attention and intention. All major relationships and, in particular, those with Libra/Aries Sun, Moon, or Ascendant, will be put to a greater test. Saturn in a cardinal sign is more proactive than in other signs, and you may find that you seek order from recent chaos and productivity from prior stress and mess. 


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Copyright © 1997-2013 Dorothy Oja All rights reserved.
General editing and science editor, John Flagg.
Opinions and interpretation/analysis expressed are the sole intellectual property of Dorothy Oja. PW emerged from transcripts of a weekly radio show in 1996.

MINDWORKS -- Dorothy Oja --
Let me help you manage your planets!

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MINDWORKS services include: Timing and Electional work (dates for surgery, weddings, business openings etc.), Composite/Davison Relationship and Couples analysis, Children's Profiles and private tutoring. Meta-Coaching sessions involve eliciting the astrological and sacred dynamics of your chart to empower realization of your goals and find satisfaction in self-expression. An active writer for national magazines and online sites, collections of Dorothy's articles are available upon request. Dorothy writes a weekly ezine, Planet Weather, published for the past 15 years for enthusiastic subscribers, which includes social, cultural and political commentary. She has frequently appeared as a guest on TV, hosted her own radio shows and has been interviewed in the print media. In October 2000, Dorothy published her text, Compatibility & Conflict for Romantic Relationships, as a computer interpretive report, followed by Compatibility & Conflict for Friendship and Business in October 2002. Her first book, Planetary Resonance was released in May 2012. Dorothy currently serves the community as Chair of the ISAR Ethics Committee including Ethics Awareness Training.